The main focus of canine massage is to assist our canine companions to a greater level of health and happiness through massage and exercise, while educating their guardians on how to bring serenity to the one they love.
A variety of these modalities listed will be used in each session in addition to stretching and vibration techniques. The sessions will match the intention of the client and the wisdom of the dog.
Stress and anxiety reduction. Dogs can easily get stressed or anxious. It could be a loud noise, a thunderstorm, or the glimpse of a cat. Regardless of the reason, a massage can ease your dog’s tension and relax him into comfort so he forgets about his worries.
Healing aid. If your dog has hurt herself, then a massage might be just what the vet orders. Massaging your dog can help to rehabilitate, reduce pain and swelling, heal strains and sprains faster, and keep scar tissue to a minimum. Of course, you should let your vet advise you on how to do this properly and safely first!
Improves body functions. A massage can increase your dog’s circulation, decrease blood pressure, improve lymphatic fluid movement, strengthen his immune system, aid digestion, stimulate the kidneys and liver, and encourage deeper breathing.
Promotes overall well-being. When humans get a massage, they feel refreshed, balanced, and revitalized. Your dog will feel the same way after you give her a good rub down.
Strengthens your bond and relationship. A massage may be a new concept for your dog, but once he realizes how great it feels and that you’re the one making him feel great, your bond and relationship will be that much deeper.
The most common type of massage is Swedish massage therapy. It involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on topmost layers of muscles. This is also combined with movement of the joints. By relieving muscle tension, Swedish therapy can be both relaxing and energizing. And it may even help after an injury.
Myofascial Release is a form of massage therapy that involves stretching and manipulating connective tissue or fascia of the body. This is done through mild sustained pressure from the therapist's hands to the fascia. This works to reduce tension and soften the tissue. Fascia is unique, in that it covers and connects all of the body's muscles and bones and can store memories of physical trauma.
Tellington Touch is health and behavioral therapy for pets that includes touch, manipulation, and guiding the animals through movement exercises. Designed to work on emotional and health problems, the touches are not massage or acupressure, nor are they invasive. The techniques are designed to create a calm, attentive, focused state of consciousness. Situations helped by Tellington Touch include barking, biting, jumping up, fear and shyness, inappropriate urination, separation anxiety, and more.
All dogs are different and may like longer or shorter sessions. At first, sessions are usually short until your dog is accustomed to massage. After 2-3 sessions, longer sessions may be more beneficial.
Cost: 30/60 minute $45/$80
30 Minute: 5 sessions $225 ($20 savings)
60 Minute: 5 sessions $340 ($60 savings)
Outcall Fee: (when done at your home)
$40 each session
Add Raindrop Therapy to Session: $20